Registry-registrar Agreement Overview
The .UK Registry-Registrar Agreement (RRA) is the contract you have with Nominet. You must make your customers aware of the contract they are entering into when they become .uk domain name registrants.
The purpose of the RRA is to:
- Ensure and reward higher standards to reinforce the reputation of the UK namespace as trusted, relevant and competitive
- Demonstrate how the UK domain name industry is responsibly self-regulating and working in the interests of registrants
- Strengthen the UK namespace, promoting best practice and supporting you, our registrars, by providing additional benefits and services to help you build a more robust UK business
The RRA offers three tag types for you to choose from, depending on:
- Who your customers are
- The service levels you work to
- Whether you want the additional benefits available in return for meeting higher standards.
The types are Accredited Channel Partner, Channel Partner and Self-managed; and you can have more than one type of tag. You can also reclassify existing tags. All registrars have to meet a minimum set of obligations, with additional obligations specific to each tag type. Nominet monitors registrar compliance, to ensure that all are meeting their obligations.
The full RRA also includes:
- Credit and Payment Terms
- instructions on using Nominet’s systems
- the Acceptable Use Policies applicable to Nominet’s systems
- Definition of Contract Terms
- Nominet’s Pricing Schedule
- Terms of Use for Nominet’s Accredited Channel Partner Logo
There is also a complaints procedure for registrants to use to complain about registrars, and which you can use to make Nominet aware of other registrars who are in breach of the agreement.
Finally, the Data Quality Policy supports the RRA by setting out how Nominet will work with you to improve the quality of data provided for registrants of UK domains names.
Minerva House, Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park, OX4 4DQ, United Kingdom