Error messages

If there is problem with a command or an operation submitted to EPP or the Web Domain Manager, you will receive one of these types of error message:

  • Fatal error
    A fatal error means that the command you submitted was not successful and changes were not made to the registry. Fatal errors are identified by the letter “V” followed by three numbers; for example: V028. Fatal errors can often be addressed by making a minor change to your request. Fatal errors are listed below.
  • Non-fatal error
    Non-fatal errors are warning messages appended to successful commands and operations.  Even though your command or operation was successful, a non-fatal error warns you that there is an issue that could prevent you from performing other commands or operations.

Fatal errors

Error CodeEPP Response CodeIssueDescription
V0012002Subject Line contains unknown actionEach message’s subject line is checked to determine what action to take with the request.   If this does not correspond to one of the possible actions it returns this error.  Details of the correct subject line can be found in the documentation for each operation.
V0022104Nominet have notified you that any further applications to register new domain names will be refused.The tag you have used is not currently active.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V0072001Unknown field ‘<xxx>’A template is given for each request in the documentation for the operation type.  Any fields given which do not appear in the template will not be recognised and request processing will be abandoned.
V0082003No Domain name givenThis error occurs if you perform an operation on a domain, such as renew, but either do not include the ‘key’ field or a value within it. 
V0092306Domain <xxx> cannot be requested via this automatonOur systems will only accept requests for .uk domains under our defined second levels.  This error will occur if you request a domain that we either do not administer or includes an additional prefix such as ‘www.’.
V0122005Fully-qualified domain names must be no longer than <xxx> charactersThe maximum length of a registration up to and including .uk is 64 characters.  For further information please see clause 5.7 of our registration rules.
V0132201The registrant’s name cannot be modifiedChanges to the organisation name on a registrant contact (the registrant for the domain name) can only be made by a registrant transfer or by our support staff in the case of minor corrections.
V0142104The tag ‘<xxx>’ has been barred from creating or retagging domains.The tag used is currently barred from performing this action.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V0152104The tag ‘<xxx>’ has been barred.The tag used is currently barred from performing any actions.  Please contact our Member and Registrar Support team on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 for further information.
V0162306The tag ‘<xxx>’ is unrecognisedThis error occurs when an invalid tag is used in the ‘registrar-tag’ field, often due to the tag not being provided in capital letters.
V0202003Missing or invalid account identifierOperations relating to a specific registrant contact must include the account-id number.
V0232005Error Reading Nameserver <xxx>This error occurs when invalid information or characters are provided in the name server details.
V0242003Missing glue record for server <xxx>When a name server is provided that is the child of the domain supplied in the request, it is necessary to create a glue record by including its IP address.
V0252005Bad IP address for server <xxx> : <xxx>An IP address will be treated as invalid if it:
Starts with 0, 10, 127, 192.168.
Starts within 172.16 to 172.32.
V0272005Bad value for `type’ (must be one of LTD, PLC, PTNR, LLP, STRA, IND, OTHER, FCORP, FOTHER, RCHAR)Please see our registrant types page for full details regarding the ‘type’ field.
V0282005Invalid country code for <xxx> (must be the two-letter ISO 3166 country code)The country code used in the ‘country’ field must be a valid two-letter country code from ISO 3166
V0292005Invalid postcode: <xxx>Postcodes are validated to verify that they are formatted correctly. A postcode consists of two parts, separated by a single space, examples below:Format         Example Postcode
AN NAA        M1 1AA
ANN NAA     M60 1NW
AAN NAA      CR2 6XH
ANA NAA      W1A 1HQ
V0302005<xxx> field is too long (<xxx> is maximum)Most fields have a limit of 200 characters, the exceptions being:
‘co-no’ up to 50 characters.
‘addr’ up to 3 lines of 255 characters.
‘notes’ up to 15 lines of 256 characters.
V0312306Address has too many lines (%d is maximum) 
V0362306Too many nameservers specified (10 is maximum)You can only provide a maximum of 10 name servers for a registration.
V0402005Bad month ‘<xxx>’ specified for list action (Must be of form CCYY-MM)The format of the month field must be Year-Month, for example March 2007 is 2007-03.
V0532306Duplicate Nameserver found in listDuplicate name servers cannot be provided for the same registration.
V0562002Multiple Key Fields found 
V0572005Invalid field ‘<xxx>’ for <xxx> operationOccurs if a field name is not valid for the stated operation. This is very commonly caused by the field name starting with a capital letter.
V0582004This Request will have no effectThe request does not contain any information to act upon.  Often this is caused by lines being ignored due to incorrect field names or a problem with their formatting such as the use of capital letters.
V0602001Message contained no requestsOccurs if no fields are present in a request after any invalid text has been removed.
V0612005Nameserver ‘<xxx>’ appears to be an IP addressAn IP address can accompany the name server’s host name in cases where a glue record is required, but our systems do not allow the IP address to be provided on its own.
V0632001Multiple Instances of Field ‘<xxx>’ foundThis error will occur if a field, other than ‘addr’ or ‘notes’, is used more than once in a single request.
V0642003ISO 3166 Country Code required for <xxx> country.The mandatory value for ‘country’ field has been omitted.  For a list of valid two-letter country codes, please refer to ISO 3166.
V0652003postcode required for GB, GG, JE and IM Country codes for <xxx> addressThe ‘postcode’ fields are mandatory if the country codes GB, GG, JE or IM are used in the ‘country’ field. 
V0692003‘<xxx>’ field missing or emptyNo data has been provided for a mandatory field in a registration request.
V0712003Missing admin contactNo data has been provided for the mandatory primary administrative contact in a registration request
V0732005Invalid Company NumberFor registrations where the LTD or PLC registrant types are used, the company number provided must consist of one or more numbers, and may be preceded by SC, NI, FC, BR, SF or NF.For registrations where the LLP registrant type is used, the company number provided must consist of one or more numbers, and may be preceded by LP, NL, SO, OC or SL.For registrations where the SCH registrant type is used, the DfES school number provided must consist of seven numbers.  For English school numbers, you should also separate the third digit from the fourth with a hyphen.
V0742003Company Number required for UK Limited and Public Limited CompaniesFor registrations where the LTD or PLC registrant types are used, the company number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist or one or more numbers, possibly preceded by SC, NI, FC, BR, SF or NF.
V0772003Company Number required for LLP reg-typesFor registrations where the LLP registrant type is used, the company number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist or one or more numbers, possibly preceded by LP, NL, SO, OC or SL.
V0782003School Number required for schools For registrations where the SCH registrant type is used, the DfES school number provided in the ‘co-no’ field must consist of seven numbers.  For English school numbers, you should also separate the third digit from the fourth with a hyphen.
V0792005Company Number not required for <xxx> reg-typesNo information should be provided in the ‘co-no’ field unless the registrant type listed in the ‘type’ field is LTD, PLC, LLP, SCH, RCHAR.
V0802201The ‘co-no’ field cannot be modified for an domain namePlease contact our support department to inform us of any update to a school’s DfES number.
V0812306Reg type must be LTD for domain nameThe registrant type ‘LTD’ must be set in the ‘type’ field when making a domain registration.
V0822306Reg type must be PLC for domain nameThe registrant type ‘PLC’ must be set in the ‘type’ field when making a domain registration.
V0862005Contents of field <xxx> cannot be removedThis occurs if an attempt is made to remove the contents of a field that is either mandatory or required by other existing fields.
V0872001Contacts cannot be removed and edited at the same time 
V0882104You have exceeded your credit limit and any tags associated with your account are now suspended pending further payment. Please contact our Customer Support team to pay money into your account or any overdue invoices.This request would cause you to exceed your advised credit limit and any tags associated with your account are now suspended until further payments have been received. Therefore, you are no longer able to make any new registrations or renewals. Please contact our Payments line on +44 (0) 330 236 9476 as a matter of urgency to place an amount of money on your account or log on to your online account to pay any overdue invoices.
V0942302Domain name exists alreadyThis error occurs if you attempt to register a domain that is already registered. 
V0962201Domain name is not registered to your tagThis error will occur if you attempt to make changes to a domain that is either not on your tag or not registered.
V1012304Domain names cannot be detagged in the first month of registration. If you wish to cancel this domain name please refer to Automaton operations – Delete operation 
V1022304Domain names can only be deleted before the initial registration invoice is generated. Only the registrant can now cancel the domain name.Domain names can only be cancelled in the first registration period.
V1052304Current and registering tag different.Domain names cannot be cancelled if there has been a registrar change.
V1070Tag missing from subject line 
V1080Tag in subject line does not match PGP signatory. 
V1090Invalid bulk operation  
V1102005Field ‘<xxx>’ cannot be modified using a bulk modification query. 
V1112304Domain name is subject of tag change 
V1130Old nserver must be non-blank for bulk n-server replacement. 
V1140Nserver replacements and update bulk requests are not-compatible 
V1160Field <xxx> appears more than once in update clause for bulk request. 
V1170Field <xxx> empty 
V1202306Invalid date <xxx> 
V1212306Invalid tag field 
V1222306You cannot filter by tag   
V1232201You have exceeded usage limits for registration attempts on existing domain names. You will be blocked for 24 hours. 
V1242201You have been blocked from registering/checking domain names.This error occurs if you have exceeded the acceptable use limits for registering domains which already exist.
V1272306Domain names may not begin xn-- 
V1282105Domain name is not within its renewal period or cannot be renewed 
V1292105Domain names may not be renewed when recur-bill is set to  ‘bc’When the recur-bill field is set to ‘bc’, it indicates that you wish Nominet to bill the registrant directly.  In order to positively renew a domain name the recur-bill field needs to be set to ‘th’.
V1332003<xxxx> address must have city field presentThe <xxxx> will be replaced with the country code in the address. E.g. UK, JE etc. “
V1342004Bad value for <xxx> field (must be between 0 and 182)The auto-bill field is used to indicate how many days before expiry you wish to renew a domain name.  You can set an auto-bill field on a domain name with a value between 1 and 182 where the value indicates the number of days before expiry that a domain name will be renewed.
V1382306Domain name contravenes naming rules See Nominet’s registration rules.
V1402304‘<xxx>’ field may not currently be changedThis error will occur when either a modify or bulk operation updating the auto-bill or next-bill fields cannot be processed for all the domain names requested. For the bulk operation, the domain names that cannot be processed are listed. There are three reasons why the operation would fail for a particular domain name:
1. The recur-bill field is set to ‘bc’. Auto-bill and next-bill cannot be set in this circumstance.
2. The domain name has expired.
3. The auto-bill or next-bill field must be set more than 1 day before it is due to be processed. For example you cannot set auto-bill or next-bill to 1 if the domain name expires in 2 day.
V1412303Account <xxx> does not exist 
V1422201Account <xxx> is not on your tag 
V1432303Nameserver <xxx> does not exist 
V1442201Nameserver <xxx> is not on your tag  
V1452304<xxx> may not be set retrospectivelyThis error can occur if you attempt to set the auto-bill or next-bill fields to a date in the past.  The value in these fields must be a date in the future.  If the expiry date has passed but you wish to renew the domain name, then you can submit a renewal request.
V1472201Contact <xxx> is not on your tag 
V1482001Both in-line and ? objects present. 
V1492005Bad IPV6 address for server <xxx> : <xxx> 
V1502005Domain name labels must not be longer than 63 characters 
V1540Invalid registrant identifier <xxx> 
V1562105Domain name has already been renewed. 
V1572306Auto-bill and next-bill cannot both be set. 
V1582001operation: field does not match subjectThis error occurs if the operation in the subject line of the email and the ‘operation’ field do not match.  This error can also occur if you use capital letters in the ‘operation’ field.
V1590Signature has a timestamp more than 3 days in the pastThe current time is compared with the message sender’s time found in the PGP timestamp.  The error will occur if the timestamp is more than 72 hours slow. This can usually be resolved by correcting the system time, date and time zone of the computer used to PGP sign the message.
V1662306More than one ipv<xxx> address given for name-server 
V1672306Message id %s has not been sent to you 
V1692003Missing ‘operation’ field 
V1712005Name server is more than 255 characters 
V1722005Name server <xxx> is invalid – label has invalid length 
V1732005Name server <xxx> is invalid 
V1742105Domain name has already been renewed once in the last 24 hoursThis error message occurs if there is an attempt to renew a domain more than once within a 24 hour period without specifying the current expiry date for the domain.
V1752201You have exceeded cancellation usage limits 
V1782304next-bill or auto-bill cannot be set when recur-bill is ‘bc’ 
V1802001You must accept or reject the registrar change authorisation requestThis error occurs if an invalid response is given to a registrar change authorisation request.  Please refer to the registrar change authorisation request for possible valid responses.
V1812201You cannot accept or reject the registrar change case-id <xxx>You have tried to accept a case-id that doesn’t exist or has expired.
V1822306Attempt to ‘like’ a numeric field.You have tried to do a bulk ‘like’ filter using account-id, auto-bill or next-bill.
V1832306Reg type must be SCH for domain name 
V1842003Missing identifier for contact modification 
V1852003Missing identifier for account modification 
V1862003Missing identifier for nameserver modification 
V1872308Unable to have no main billing contact when there are other billing contacts 
V1882201You cannot transfer to the account <xxx>The domain names on the account are not on your tag.
V1892201Account names do not match for the following domain names: 
V1902001Invalid operation <xxx>: <xxx> 
V1912005Invalid ID prefix ‘<xxx>’, expecting ‘<xxx>’An invalid contact, nameserver or account identifier has been provided.
V1922303Reference %s made to non-existant contact 
V1932001Contact has both data and external reference %s 
V1942304Operation blocked by Nominet processThis request cannot be made due to a Nominet process. This can occur for a number of reasons, including:
– The registrant of a ‘’ or ‘’ domain has changed
– The registrant has been dissolved
– The domain is scheduled for cancellation. Please visit our registrar renewals procedure for further information. Following this if you have any queries please contact our customer services team on +44(0) 330 236 9480 or by email to [email protected].
V1952304The following domain names may not be released due to a Nominet process:<xxx>The listed domain names cannot be released due to other processes on them.
V1972201Tag <xxx> do not accept registrar changes 
V1982201Account <xxx> is not on tag <xxx> 
V1990A target account may not be provided for an account release 
V2002201Contact <xxx> is not on account <xxx>. 
V2012001Too many lines in request: Maximum is 500 
V2022308Cannot have multiple admin contacts with id %s. 
V2032308Cannot have multiple billing contacts with id %s. 
V2042001Cannot change registrar-tag with modify operation; use release operation instead. 
V2052001Too many <xxx> numbers in request: Maximum is 10 
V2062005Invalid ID suffix <xxx>, expecting ‘-UK’. 
V2072304The following domains do not have account names that match that of the account specified:<xxx> 
V2082201The following domain names are not registered to your tag: <xxx> 
V2092201The set of domain names given could not be modified. 
V2102005Period format is invalid 
V2112005Period is outside acceptable range 
V2122201You are too close to your abuse limit to complete this operation 
V2130Length of %s must not exceed %s. 
V2162003Missing nameserver name or ip address. 
V2170DNS data out of sequence. 
V2182304The following domains are not on the account specified:%s 
V2192304The following accounts do not have account names that match that of the account specified:%s 
V2202201The following accounts are not registered to your tag: %s 
V2212001Cannot use different versions of XML schema ‘%s’ 
V2232304Domains are not all on the same account. 
V2252201Registrar is not a member. 
V2262304First bill cannot be ‘bc’ for non 2 year registrations. 
V2272004Bad ‘<xxx>’ field (must be between 1 and 9).The auto-period and next-period fields can only have values between 1 and 9.
V2282304‘<xxx>’ must be set for domains with a positive ‘<yyy>’ field.This error will occur if the auto-period field is set without the auto-bill field being set or if the next-period field is set without the next-bill field being set.
V2290Cannot combine ‘month’, ‘expiry’ and ‘validated’ fields. 
V2302306Enumber range invalidThe lastE164Number provided is smaller than the E164Number.
V2312306<xxx> format invalidA date specified has not been provided in RFC 3339 format.
V2322306Execution date is in the futureThe execution date on the ENUM token is in the future.
V2332306Expiration date is in the pastThe expiration date on the ENUM token provided is in the past, it is advisable that you contact your validation agency to resolve this.
V2342201RegistrarID in token is not your tag.Occurs if a registrar sends an ENUM create when the tag specified upon login differs from the tag specified in the registrarID of the token.
V2352306<xxx> invalidInvalid number provided for E164Number or LastE164Number, for example if the number is too long or starts with a non-UK prefix.
V2362201Enumber not on your tag.Occurs if a request is made to modify or renew a registration if not on your tag and without a valid token.
V2372304Enumber has already been renewed.Occurs if a renew operation would not increase the expiry date by at least one day.
V2382304Token is older than the current oneThis is returned when the ENUM token provided has an older execution date than the current one stored.
V2392302Part or all of Enumber range exists.Occurs if a create command fails due to it overlapping with an existing registration.
V2412306Token expires before registrationOccurs in a create operation where the expiry date of the token is less than a year in the future, or in a modify where a new token does not cover the remaining registration period.
V2420Nameserver objects could not be merged. 
V2432304<xxx> requires referral for manual intervention. Please send a separate request for this domain.This message indicates that a request has been made to create more than one domain and at least one of these is a domain requiring manual referral (, or
Any request to register a domain which requires manual referral must only contain a single domain name.
V2442304‘test dummy’ domain names may not appear in requests with multiple keys.This message will occur if a request has been received to create or transfer “test” domains and the request contains more than one domain name.
A “test” domain is one whose name matches the pattern “automaton-test-[any characters].[sld].uk” and is used for testing purposes only.
V2452302Domain name %s exists already. 
V2462306Only 100 multiple registrations are permitted in a single request 
V2472306Only %s multiple tag changes are permitted in a single request 
V2602005Invalid value ‘%s: %s’. 
V2610PGP signature expired. 
V2622005Bad renew-not-required field. 
V2632005Renew-not-required field can only be unset by renewal of the domain. 
V2642306Only 100 renewal reversals are permitted in a single request. 
V2652304The following domain names do not have a renewal request being processed: 
V2662201The account-id %ld does not correspond to a valid registrant account. 
V2672304A destination account-id may not be specified for this case. 
V2682304The destination account name does not match that of the domains associated with case %ld. 
V2692004This request will have no effect. 
V2702304Domain name already unrenewed in this registration period. 
V2712304Auto-bill/next-bill cannot be set when renew_not_required is set 
V2722304Company number and registrant type cannot be modified for registrar accounts.. 
V2732304Renewals cannot be undone when billing fields are set. 
V2742001Schema %s not specified at login 
V2752002Domain is not locked 
V2762201Account is locked. 
V2772001Account id and domain name cannot both be specified 
V2782002Account is not locked. 
V2792302Account % exists already. 
V2802302A contact of order % already exists. 
V2812302Registration of domain %s has been blocked 
V2822001Invalid or missing lock type.Generated if you specify a incorrect ‘lock-type’ for a operation
V2832306Cannot add IPVs address to nameserver; nameservers should only have a maximum of one IPV4 and one IPV6 address. 
V2842302Account exists already. 
V2852302Contact-id %s exists already 
V2862302Nameserver already exists on your tag. 
V2872303Superordinate domain is not on your tag. 
V2882306Cannot link nameserver to superordinate domain, domain has no free nameserver slots (%d is maximum). 
V2892302Nameserver already existsA host with that name already exists therefore cannot be created with that name/
V2902304Too many domains for full-detail domain list operationFor performance reasons, the EPP list only returns up to 5000 domains with full details. There is no restriction for a list of domain names only.
V2912306Glue record not allowed for the server <xxxx>The IP address supplied is never required when the host’s superordinate domain is not held in the registry.
V2922303Domain <xxxx> does not existThe domain name specified does not exist in our registry.
V2932303Name server ‘<xxxx>’ is invalid – parent domain does not existThis error occurs when the parent domain used for a host name should occur in our registry but does not.
V2942306You do not have permission to modify the nameserver ‘<xxxx>’To modify a nameserver object, the tag must be associated with either the superordinate domain name or all domain names linked to that nameserver.
V2952500The request was successful but there was an internal error while generating the reply 
V2962500The request was unsuccessful but there was an internal error while generating the reply 
V2972201Reseller ‘<xxxx>’ is not on your tagTo add reseller details to a domain name you must first add information regarding the reseller to your online service account. Reseller details can also be added or modified using the EPP Reseller commands
V2982201Domain check limit of %ld has been reached 
V2992201You have exceeded usage limits for operations which fail due to the non-existence of superordinate domains. You will be blocked for 24 hours. 
V3002003An email address or a telephone number must be providedThis error occurs if you have attempted to create or modify a reseller without setting either an email address or a telephone number.
V3012005Reseller references may only contain upper case letters A-Z, digits 0-9 and hyphens 
V3022302Reseller already exists on your tag using the same <xxxx>This error occurs if a request is made to create or modify a reseller which would use the same reference or tradingName as an existing reseller on your tag.
V3032005A well-formed email address must be provided 
V3042306Too many domains specified(<xxxx> is maximum)No more than 100 domain names can be supplied in a Check command
V3052201Your tag is not registered as DNSSEC enabled.This error occurs if a request attempts to add or remove DS Records and you have not registered with us in Online Services to indicate that you support DNSSEC
V3062306Too many dsData records specified (8 is maximum)You can only provide a maximum of 8 DS records for a domain.
V3072102Unsupported secDNS attribute ‘urgent’ found.We do not support the “urgent” attribute from RFC-5910
V3082102Unsupported secDNS element ‘maxSigLife’ found.We do not support the “maxSigLife” element from RFC-5910
V3092306Unsupported secDNS interface ‘keyData’ found.We do not support the “keyData” interface described in RFC-5910
V3102004Unsupported algorithm ‘<nnn>’ found.The algorithm specified for the DS record is not supported by our systems
V3112004Unsupported digest type ‘<nnn>’ found.The digest type specified for the DS record is not supported by our systems
V3122004Bad digest ‘<xxxx>’ found.The digest specified does not match the expected format for the digest type specified
V3132304Domain <xxxx>.uk is available as part of our release of reserved domains. Please send a separate request for this domain.Applications for reserved domains must be made individually, no other domain name applications can be included in the same request.
V3142005Bad value found for dsdata: ‘<xxxx>’.This error occurs when invalid information or characters are provided in the DS Record details
V3152004Request cannot specify “dsdata: NULL” and add new recordsThe request attempted to remove all DS records on the domain using “NULL” and also attempted to add DS records
V3162306Duplicate DS record found in listThe request attempted to add the same DS record two or more times to a domain
V3172304The target account for a reserved domain request must have a contact email addressThe operation attempted to request a reserved domain on an existing account which does not have a contact email address
V3182005You have not signed up for the DNSSEC Signing Service. Obsolete
V3192306Too many %s records specified (%s is maximum) 
V3202302Zone ‘%s’ already exists on your tag 
V3212201Zone ‘%s’ is not on your tag 
V3222005Duplicate IP address ‘%s’ found for server 
V3232306The ‘%s’ operation cannot be used for zone ‘%s’ 
V3242306Cannot add DS records to parent for zone %s until zone is signed 
V3252005Unsupported value ‘%s’ found for field ‘%s’ 
V3270Signature did not match the text (message contains tabs in trailing whitespace)Similar to V048, but the validation code detected tabs within trailing whitespace for the message: view full description
V3282005Registrant name does not meet minimum requirements as this field must contain at least 4 characters and of these 3 or more must be lettersThe company or individual who the domain name is to be registered on behalf of must contain at least 4 or more characters and of these 3 or more must be letters.
V3292304Cannot undo multiple renewals for domain ‘%s’ 
V3302305Host ‘%s’ cannot be deleted as it is linked to one or more domainsBefore deleting a host you must first modify all domains using the host so that they use other hosts
V3312201You do not have permission to delete the host ‘%s’If the parent domain for a host is registered with Nominet the host can only be deleted by the owner of the parent domain
V3322305Contact ‘%s’ cannot be deleted as it is linked to one or more domainsBefore deleting a contact you must first transfer all domains on that contact to another contact
V3332201You do not have permission to delete the contact ‘%s’You may only delete a contact which you created and which has never been linked to any domains
V3342201Your request for domain <xxxx> has failed because the <xxxx> for the registrant does not fully match any registrant which has rights for this domain 
V3352304Your request includes the domain <xxxx>.Please send a separate request for this domain.
V3412306Too many domains specified for check with second level rights (1 is maximum) 
V3422201Your request for domain ‘%s’ has failed because this domain has been reserved by Nominet 
V3432005All email addresses must have a valid TLD 
V3482306Contact address cannot be changed to a PO Box because it is the registrant of a second level domain 
V3492306Contact address cannot be changed to a PO Box because it is the service address of a domain 
V3502201The operation would exceed the number of domains allowed on a self managed tag 
V3512201Contact <xxxxxxx> cannot be locked as it has good quality dataGenerated if you attempt to lock a domain name that has been validated.
V3522201Domain registrant cannot be locked as it has good quality dataGenerated when lock specified using a domain name
V3532201Must be an  Accredited Channel Partner tag to perform this operation 
V3542306Your request for domain ‘%s’ has failed because the registrant with second level rights has no email address 
V3552305Operation blocked due to restrictions applied to the third level domain name with rights 
V3562306Phone number must start with a ‘+’ followed by the country codeGenerated when a phone number is provided during account modification or creation that does not comply with Data Quality policy. Format must be +44.3302369475
V3572306First line of address must contain at least 1 non-numeric characterGenerated when street1 is provided during account modification or creation that does not comply with Data Quality policy.
V3582306Contact with type <xxxx> cannot have trading nameGenerated when type id set IND or FIND and a trading name is present during account modification or creation.
V3592002Your request to modify domain ‘%s’ failed because it was modified by another session 
V3602102Unsupported domain element ‘hostAttr’ found 
V3612306Contact cannot be validated while modifying other fields 
V3622005The validated field may only contain ‘Y’ or ‘N’ 
V3632304Operation blocked by Nominet processThis request cannot be made due to a Nominet process. This can occur for a number of reasons. If you have questions about this, please contact our Compliance team by telephone on +44 (0) 330 236 9480 or by email to [email protected].
V3672304Operation blocked due to restrictions applied to domains with suffix ‘%s’ 
V3682304Operation blocked due to restrictions applied to one of the contact’s domains 
V3692400Transient data error 
V3702306No Privacy Service
V3712308Domain Status Associated with DomainStatus is already associated with domain
V3722308Domain Status Value Not AssociatedStatus is not associated with domain
V3732304Status Prohibits OperationObject status prohibits operation
You will need to remove ‘clientUpdateProhibited’ before you can remove any other EPP statuses.
V3742308Contact Status Value Already AssociatedStatus is already associated with contact
V3752308Contact Status Value Not AssociatedStatus is not associated with contact
V3762101Value Not ImplementedStatus ‘%s’ is not implemented
V3772308Host Status Value Already AssociatedStatus is already associated with host
V3782308Host Status Value Not AssociatedStatus is not associated with host
V3792302DS Record Already Exists
V3802304Domain is already released

Minerva House, Edmund Halley Road, Oxford Science Park, OX4 4DQ, United Kingdom